Rock Pal Template - This template shows you where to place the face on the rock. It also shows you the sizes for your rock. Of course this template is not set in stone and you can personalize it or keep it the way it is. Enjoy! :)
Heart Template - This template doesn't have a face. You can either add a face, use fabric with a print or leave it the way it is. Feel free to personalize it and to play around with it until you are happy. Have fun with it! Enjoy! :)
Cloud Pal Template - This template has the exact same face as the rock pal (see to the right). You can change the face, rearrange the face; you don't even need a face if you don't want one! We just want you to have fun while making it and afterwards. Enjoy! :)
Circle Template - This template doesn't have a face. You can either add a face, use fabric with a print or leave it the way it is. We want you to enjoy making the circle and enjoy it even more afterwards! Enjoy! :)
Square Template - This template doesn't have a face. You can either add a face, use fabric with a print or leave it the way it is. Feel free to personalize it and to play around with it until you are happy. Have fun with it! Enjoy! :)